Wednesday, March 14, 2007

yosemite 03/10-11/07

brett on the sanguinator at curry village east.

near happy isles.

me on the first move of hookahs not bazookas v7.

brett doing the stand start for hookahs not bazookas v4.


this was an interesting weekend in the turned out that my uncle and his family were there and staying in the Ahwahnee. so i, being the lucky person that i am, got invited to not only crash on their floor, but also have dinner with them. i definately was not a dirtbag that night.

onto more interesting things, i finally finished cleaning a line at curry village east that i have wanted to get on for a while now. the stand start turned out to be a lot easier than expected but very fun. there is also a really cool sit start that basically adds a huge throw to a sloper while your body is in tension. the problem is named "hookahs not bazookas" and its probably a V4/7 for the stand/sit starts respectively.

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